電視新聞採訪 椪餅又稱為香餅、凸餅,黑糖為古早口味,椪餅雖然外表凸 起,但餅裡頭卻是空心的,主要材料為黑糖、麵粉及水做成 。外皮包餡後再烤,讓它慢慢膨脹。 Peng Pastry, with its old-time brown sugar flavor, is also called Fragrant Pastry and Round-top Pastry. Its rounded top is actually hollow inside. Made with the chief ingredients of flour, water and brown sugar, the top slowly rises into a bubble when the pastry with the filling inside is put into the oven to bake. 椪餅除了可以直接食用外,更是早期懷孕生產婦女的補品。 首先在椪餅上挖個洞,把蛋整顆倒入,用麻油爆香薑片, 接著將椪餅置於鍋中,用慢火雙面煎,等餅內的蛋熟了後 就可食用,所以椪餅又有月裡餅(台語)之稱。 While Peng Pastry can be enjoyed just as it is straight out of the oven, it also used to be made into a tonic food for pregnant women and those who had just given birth. For this purpose, the top would be scooped out, a whole egg and ginger slices fried in sesame oil would be placed inside, and it would then be put into a pan and fried at low heat on both sides until the egg was well cooked, when it would be ready to eat. Because of this, Pon Pastry is also called “In the Moon Pastry” in...