
目前顯示的是 3月, 2017的文章


來到了台南安平,第十一個點<阿水伯肉包店> 這家店很可愛,只要拿100元考卷就可以換肉包一個 有人甚至下來玩時也會來順便換肉包 阿伯說其實附近有許多店家,也都有100分換物品鼓勵孩童學習 只是他們比較幸運被新聞報導而已


台南市安平區育平路345號 06-29898586.0919159970 https://www.facebook.com/ashuibo/


電視新聞採訪 椪餅又稱為香餅、凸餅,黑糖為古早口味,椪餅雖然外表凸 起,但餅裡頭卻是空心的,主要材料為黑糖、麵粉及水做成 。外皮包餡後再烤,讓它慢慢膨脹。 Peng Pastry, with its old-time brown sugar flavor, is also called Fragrant Pastry and Round-top Pastry. Its rounded top is actually hollow inside. Made with the chief ingredients of flour, water and brown sugar, the top slowly rises into a bubble when the pastry with the filling inside is put into the oven to bake. 椪餅除了可以直接食用外,更是早期懷孕生產婦女的補品。 首先在椪餅上挖個洞,把蛋整顆倒入,用麻油爆香薑片, 接著將椪餅置於鍋中,用慢火雙面煎,等餅內的蛋熟了後 就可食用,所以椪餅又有月裡餅(台語)之稱。 While Peng Pastry can be enjoyed just as it is straight out of the oven, it also used to be made into a tonic food for pregnant women and those who had just given birth. For this purpose, the top would be scooped out, a whole egg and ginger slices fried in sesame oil would be placed inside, and it would then be put into a pan and fried at low heat on both sides until the egg was well cooked, when it would be ready to eat. Because of this, Pon Pastry is also called “In the Moon Pastry” in...

阿水伯創意 棒球椪餅獲專利-中華日報

阿水伯包子店的棒球椪餅獲得專利。 (記者陳銀全攝) 阿水伯創意 棒球椪餅獲專利 記者陳銀全/台南報導2017-03-01 椪餅加上創意,也可成為創意商品,安平區阿水伯包子店近來在椪餅加上紅色棒球縫線,成為「棒球椪餅」,並獲得專利,阿水伯包子店小老闆李雲郁表示,由於第四屆世界棒球經典賽即將開打,希望吃了以後,中華隊可以「打爆對手」。  李雲郁表示,椪餅是台南以往常吃的食品之一,由於自己是棒球迷,每到比賽時就會盯著電視,心情隨著比賽結果起伏。有次突發奇想,把椪餅畫成有如棒球形狀,創造文創商品,才動手試做。  一開始,利用紅橘粉做顏色在椪餅上畫出棒球線條,其間失敗很多次,甚至想放棄這個念頭,李雲郁說,後來與父親阿水伯一起的努力下,終於做成棒球造型椪餅,日前獲得專利。  「棒球椪餅」目前只送不賣,李雲郁說,六日至廿二日世界棒球經典賽期間,只要購買包子類商品滿二百元,即贈送手工棒球專利椪餅乙顆,每天限量卅組,換完為止。希望球迷一起為中華隊集氣,吃了「棒球椪餅」後,可以一路過關斬將,打爆對手,透過活動,大家一起幫中華隊加油,創造出更好成績。 http://www.cdns.com.tw/news.php?n_id=22&nc_id=147897