
大員x神獸小旅行 阿水伯包子 此次與i憩頭合作部分為製作具有安平名產代表的椪餅,除了開發了印有吉祥物阿喵的產品之外,還請負責人在遊客享用時與遊客聊聊椪餅在安平的歷史淵源,為什麼會逐漸演變成外地人對安平的伴手禮印象。現場還教導並讓遊客體驗安平人如何吃椪餅,讓遊客現場學習如何把椪餅烹調整中國人坐月子中必吃的營養聖品。 Tayouan & Mythological Creature Mini-Tour A Shuei Bo Traditional Handmade Steamed Bun Making Bun Cakes, one of Anping’s specialties, is part of our collaboration with stores on the i-tour. In addition to launching products printed with our mascot cat A-Mew, we invited the owner to introduce the history of Bun Cakes in Anping to the tourists while they were enjoying the snack. The owner also explained why those living outside Tainan are impressed so much with the Bun Cakes as a gift, and how the locals enjoy the cakes. The tourists on site also learned how to change the cakes into a nutritious food for postpartum care. 大員×リアル謎解きゲーム 阿水伯包子 今回iツアー(i憩頭)と共同で、椪糖(ふっくら砂糖菓子)の制作を企画しました。ゆるキャラのミャーちゃんが描かれた商品もあります。椪糖を食べている間、安平椪糖の歴史についてや旅行客の安平土産に対する印象の変遷などを店員に話してもらいます。また、安平人がどうやって椪糖を食べるのか、その食べ方なども実際に実演しながら教えてもらいます。椪糖が如何に...